Dr Morgana Afonso Shirsath

Dr Morgana Afonso Shirsath is a Biomedical Engineer at TILDA who joined the TILDA team in January 2021.
Morgana completed a PhD in the Technological University of Dublin, where her research investigated the rupture of bone cells (osteocytes) due to fatigue, which is considered a trigger of bone remodelling targeted to damaged regions. This research used an experimental and computational (Finite Element modelling) approach.
Prior to joining TILDA, Morgana completed an integrated Masters in Bioengineering (a branch of Biomedical engineering) from the University of Porto, in Portugal. Her Masters thesis used full body modelling to study gait impairment in post-stroke subjects and examined differences in muscle activation, compared with healthy individuals. During her Masters, she also participated in the ERASMUS program, at the University of Pisa, for 5 months, where she worked on a project with the aim of studying wear and tear in total reverse shoulder implants, using analytical modelling approaches.
For a full list of Morgana Afonso Shirsath's publications, please click here.