Using publicly archived TILDA datasets
Delivered by TILDA in conjunction with the Irish Social Science Data Archive (ISSDA) and Gateway to Global Aging.
Date: 9th September 2016
Venue: Trinity College Dublin
Cost: Free
10am - 1pm: Introduction to publicly available TILDA datasets.
- Overview of TILDA.
- Accessing and using TILDA data, available through ISSDA.
- Accessing and using the digital library and harmonised TILDA dataset, through the Gateway to Global Aging.
Room: Maxwell Theatre (90 spaces)
2pm - 4pm: Hands-on workshop using the harmonised TILDA dataset to do cross-country comparisons.
Room: Áras an Phiarsaigh PC Lab 0.12 (20 spaces)
Spaces are limited on both sessions. To confirm your place, please contact Gearóid O’Donnell: