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TILDA was awarded funding for two key projects as part of the COVID-19 Rapid Response Research and Innovation Fund. Both of these studies aim to help and support health systems and policymakers to strengthen and improve the national response to COVID-19 in the longterm.

Altered Lives in Time of Crisis, Preparing for recovery from the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on the lives of older adult.

This HRB - funded project, led by Professor Rose Anne Kenny and Dr Mark Ward of TILDA, analyses how the COVID-19 outbreak, and subsequent measures to curtail the spread of the virus, has impacted on adults aged 50 and over in Ireland. About 6,000 TILDA participants have taken part, completing a detailed questionnaire to outline how their health, mood, activities, social lives, quality of life, psychological state and expectations have been changed by the ongoing pandemic.

Discover more on the project here.

Learn what questions are explored in the project in this video below.

SABS-TILDA: SARS-CoV-2 specific AntiBodies in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA): an opportunity to assess COVID-19 rates and phenotypes in older adults in Ireland

This project led by Dr Nollaig Bourke, examines biological samples in the TILDA cohort to establish who has been infected by COVID-19 and determine the risk factors and consequences for developing the virus in older adults in Ireland. Read more on the project here.

To discover a synopsis of the project, view the video below.