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Dr Belinda Hernández

Dr Belinda Hernandez is a Senior Research Fellow and bio-informatician for TILDA (The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing) in Trinity College Dublin. Belinda’s current research interests are focused on using advanced statistical and machine learning methods to develop physiological and epigenetic biomarkers for healthy ageing and multimorbidity prevention. Previous to this, she was an Assistant Professor in Statistics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin where she developed proteomic and genomic biomarkers for various diseases such as prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. She holds a PhD in “Statistical Machine Learning for Proteomic Discovery and Validation” from University College Dublin.

Although focused primarily on biomarker development her research is multidisciplinary, and she has conducted comparative research of multimorbidity clusters and epigenetic markers of health outcomes across multiple international studies of ageing. She has also published research in a number of other areas including the investigation of high dimensional cardiovascular and neurovascular haemodynamic signals; the development of statistical machine learning methods as well as research in areas such as multisensory integration, frailty and cognition.

For a full list of Belinda Hernández's publications, please click here.