Wave 1 | Wave 2 | Wave 3 | Wave 4 | Wave 5 | Wave 6 | Rep LF | Rep SF | ||
Consent | |||||||||
CS062- You were asked to read the information leaflet to familiarise yourself with the study. Have you read the [Telephone Interview/Proxy] Information Leaflet for this study? | |||||||||
CS063- Do you have any questions about the study? | |||||||||
CS064- Record the questions asked by respondent and the answers you provided. If necessary, refer the respondent to the relevant section in the Information Leaflet. If unable to answer a question, advise the respondent to contact TILDA. If the respondent is happy to continue with the interview, please do so. If not, re-schedule the interview or agree to re-schedule once they have had their questions answered. Inform B&A if the interview is to be/has been re-scheduled. | |||||||||
CS065- Do you agree to take part in this research study having been fully informed of the risks and benefits which are set out in full in the information leaflet? | |||||||||
CS066- Do you agree that TILDA can use information about you as outlined in the Wave 6 Study Information Leaflet for the purpose of ageing research? | |||||||||
CS067- Do you agree that non-identifiable information about you, collected in this wave, can be shared with academic research institutions and research hospitals within the EU for research on ageing? | |||||||||
CS068- Do you agree that non-identifiable information about you, collected in this wave, can be shared with academic research institutions and research hospitals outside the EU for research on ageing? | |||||||||
Proxy interview consent | |||||||||
CS071- Do you agree that TILDA can use the information that you provide about your family member or friend as outlined in the Information Leaflet, for the purpose of ageing research? | |||||||||
CS072- Do you agree that non-identifiable information that you provide about your family member or friend in this wave, can be shared with academic research institutions and research hospitals within the EU for research on ageing? | |||||||||
CS073- Do you agree that non-identifiable information that you provide about your family member or friend in this wave, can be shared with academic research institutions and research hospitals outside the EU for research on ageing? | |||||||||
AMT (The Abbreviated Mental Test Score Module) | |||||||||
MT001- What is your age? | |||||||||
MT002- Without looking at your watch, what is the time to the nearest hour? | |||||||||
MT003- What is the year? | |||||||||
MT004- What is your home address? | |||||||||
MT006- What is your date of birth? | |||||||||
MT007- In what year did world war two begin? | |||||||||
MT008- Can you name the current Taoiseach? | |||||||||
MT009- Can you count backwards from 20 down to 1? | |||||||||
MT010- Can you please tell me the address I asked you to remember earlier? | |||||||||
MT011 - Now I’m going to ask you for the names of some people and things. What do people usually use to cut paper? | |||||||||
CS (Cover Screen) | |||||||||
Cover Screen-R (Individual Interview) | |||||||||
CM001: First, I would like to ask if there are any persons aged 50 or over living in this household? | |||||||||
CF001: IWER: Has the respondent signed the consent form? | |||||||||
CF001b: IWER: As I explained earlier this is a longitudinal study which means that people who take part will be visited once every two years. Are you willing to be re-contacted to participate in a similar interview in the next 2 years? Again at this stage your participation will be voluntary. | |||||||||
CS001: What name would you like to be referred to during the interview. | |||||||||
CS002: In which month and year were you born? (month) | |||||||||
CS002: In which month and year were you born? (year) | |||||||||
CM003: For the purposes of this research can you tell me if you are aged: | |||||||||
CS004: IWER: (Code without asking.) Is Respondent male or female? | |||||||||
CM004: Are you...living with a spouse / partner or as a single person | |||||||||
CS007: What is [your] [wife/husband/partner]'s first name? | |||||||||
CS010: IWER: note sex of [wife/husband/partner] of respondent (ASK IF UNSURE) | |||||||||
CM005: How old is your {[{wife/husband/partner}]? | |||||||||
CM006: Is your [husband/wife/partner] aged…? | |||||||||
CM007: Excluding yourself [and your husband/wife/partner], does anyone else live in this household? | |||||||||
CM008: What is his or her first name? | |||||||||
CM009: What is the sex of [{first name household member}]? | |||||||||
CM011: How old is {[{first name household member}]? | |||||||||
CM012: Is [{first name household member}] aged…? | |||||||||
CM010: What is [his/her] relationship to you? | |||||||||
CM010_oth: Please specify other type of relationship | |||||||||
CM013: Is [{first name household member}] living with a spouse, with a partner, or as a single? | |||||||||
CM014: What is his or her first name? | |||||||||
CM015: What is the sex of [{first name household member's husband/wife/partner}]? | |||||||||
CM017: How old is [{first name household member's husband/wife/partner}]? | |||||||||
CM018: Is [{first name household member's husband/wife/partner}] aged.. | |||||||||
CM016: What is [his/her] [relationship] to you? | |||||||||
CM016_oth: Please specify other type of relationship | |||||||||
CM019: Does anyone else live in this household? | |||||||||
CM020: Let me just check. That makes [{number of people in household}] people living in this household altogether? Is that correct? | |||||||||
CM021: IWER: READ OUT LOUD ALL NAMES ON THE HOUSEHOLD GRID.[AllRespondents] Have we left anyone out? | |||||||||
CF001: IWER: Has the respondent signed the consent form? | |||||||||
CF002: IWER: Does the respondent have a spouse/partner living with him/her? | |||||||||
CF003: IWER: Are both willing to participate in the survey? | |||||||||
CF004: IWER: Has the second respondent signed the consent form? | |||||||||
CS015: Later in this interview, I will be asking questions about your family finances and retirement planning. Which of you is the most knowledgeable about this, you or your (husband/wife/partner)? | |||||||||
CS016: Which of you is the most knowledgeable about family matters, you or your (husband/wife/partner)? | |||||||||
CS017: Please classify this respondent as financial / family / financial and family / or neither | |||||||||
HH007: Which sample is the respondent a member of? | |||||||||
HH001. INTERVIEWER: Are you interviewing at the same address that the respondent was interviewed at last time? | |||||||||
HH002. INTERVIEWER: Is this interview held in a private household or in a nursing home? | |||||||||
HH002X - Is [Respondent i1] a temporary or permanent resident of the nursing home? | |||||||||
HH005. IWER: Designate type of interview: | |||||||||
HH006. What is the proxy’s full name? | |||||||||
hh006x: was the respondent present during the proxy interview? | |||||||||
CS023.Before beginning the interview, I just need to check whether there have been changes in who lives in this household. Including [yourself/Rname], our records show that [number of people in HH] people lived in this household. I would like to check if each of them still lives here | |||||||||
CS036 May I ask what has happened to [name] (AGED?] | |||||||||
CS037. I am sorry to hear that [Name] has passed away. I just need to ask a few questions to check that we have the correct information about him/her. | |||||||||
CS038 INTERVIEWER: Enter correct first name. | |||||||||
CS039 INTERVIEWER: CODE OR ASK IF UNSURE: Can I just check, was [NAME] [sex]? | |||||||||
CS041m. When did [NAME] die? Can you tell me the month? | |||||||||
CS041y. When did [NAME] die? Can you tell me the year? | |||||||||
CS044: In what month did [you/Rname] move to the (nursing home/health care facility/hospice) where [you/he/she] [are / is] now living? | |||||||||
CS044: In what year did [you/Rname] move to the (nursing home/health care facility/hospice) where [you/he/she] [are / is] now living? | |||||||||
CS045: In what county is the nursing home where [you/Rname] [are/is] living? | |||||||||
CS046x: According to our records, in <month and year of last interview> there were some children who were not living in this household. Are any of them living here now? | |||||||||
CS046: Of the people living in this household today, has anyone joined this household since [{month and year of previous interview}] (that is since we last interviewed a current household member)? | |||||||||
cs047a: Who has joined this household? | |||||||||
CS047: What is his or her first name? | |||||||||
CS048: What is the sex of [{NEW name household member] | |||||||||
CS050: How old is [{NEW household member}]? | |||||||||
CS051: Is [{NEW household member}] aged…? [READ OUT] | |||||||||
CS052y In what year did [NEW HOUSEHOLD MEMBER] move into this household?) | |||||||||
CS052m In what year did [NEW HOUSEHOLD MEMBER] move into this household?) | |||||||||
CS053: Is [{NEW household member}] living with a spouse, with a partner, or as a single? | |||||||||
cs047ba: What is [new household member]'s spouse/partner name? | |||||||||
CS047B: Is [{NEW household member}]’s spouse/partner a previously mentioned member of the household? | |||||||||
CS048B: What is the sex of [{NEW name household member Spouse] | |||||||||
CS050b. How old is [{NEW household member’s spouse}]? | |||||||||
CS051B: Is [{NEW household member’s spouse}] aged…? [READ OUT] | |||||||||
CS052by In what year did [NEW HOUSEHOLD MEMBER] move into this household?) | |||||||||
CS052bm In what year did [NEW HOUSEHOLD MEMBER] move into this household?) | |||||||||
CS054: Has anyone else joined this household since [last interview date]? | |||||||||
CS055: IWER READ OUT: So, all current members of the household are: | |||||||||
CS056. Let me just check. That makes [number of people in HH] people living in this household altogether? Is that correct? | |||||||||
CS057: What is your relationship to [person n +1] (feed forward [person n]’s age)? I.E. You are [person n]’s ...? | |||||||||
CS058. CAPI: CONFIRM THE NAME(S) OF THE ELIGIBLE RESPONDENT(S) FROM THE LIST OF HH MEMBERS, INCLUDING ANY NEW ELIGIBLE MEMBER (S) (E.G. NEW SPOUSE / OTHER ELIGIBLE). IWER: This household has ______eligible respondents. Read out loud all names of eligible respondents | |||||||||
CF001a: IWER: Has the proxy given consent to? Physical measures | |||||||||
CF001a: IWER: Has the proxy given consent to? Original respondent answering some questions | |||||||||
CF001a: IWER: Has the proxy given consent to? Neither of the above | |||||||||
cs006 - Are you still.. (marital status) | |||||||||
CSP_MEMBER: Because you are completing the interview on behalf of <Respondent i1> we would like to begin by asking who lives here as part of the household. In addition to <Respondent i1> who else lives here as a member of this household? | |||||||||
CSP01_03: What is his/her first name? | |||||||||
CSP02_03: What is the sex of [CSP1_03]? | |||||||||
CSP03_01: How old are you? | |||||||||
CSP04_02: Us [proxy respondent] aged…? | |||||||||
CAP05_02: Since wHen have you been living here in this household? | |||||||||
CSP06_02: In which month did [HH006] move into this household? | |||||||||
CSP_ELSE: Does anyone else live here as part of this household? | |||||||||
CSP07_03: What is <Respondent i1’s> relationship to [CSP01_03]? | |||||||||
CSP08_03: What is your relationship to [CSP01_03]? [CSP01_03] is your....? | |||||||||
CSP_TOTAL: IWER READ OUT: So, all current members of the household are: | |||||||||
CSP_CHECK: Have we left anyone out? | |||||||||
CSP_FINAL: Let me just check. That makes [CSP_total] people living in this household altogether? Is that correct? | |||||||||
cf005: IWER: Has Rname signed the GP linkage consent form? | |||||||||
cf006a: GP name: | |||||||||
cf006b: GP address: | |||||||||
SC (Self-Completion Questionnaire) | |||||||||
DM (Demographics) | |||||||||
hh007 - Which sample is the respondent a member of? | |||||||||
hh004 - Do you have reason to think that [Rname] would have difficulty completing this interview because of cognitive or physical limitations? | |||||||||
hh005 - Designate type of interview: | |||||||||
hh006 - What is the proxy’s full name? | |||||||||
hh006x - Was the respondent present during the proxy interview? | |||||||||
Respondent's name | |||||||||
gd002 - Gender of respondent | |||||||||
dn002 - In which month was [respondent/Rname] born? | |||||||||
dn003 - In which year was [respondent/Rname] born? | |||||||||
dn003b -: For the purposes of this research can you tell me if [you/Rname] [are/is] aged... | |||||||||
dm084 - Ask only if hh005=1. Some people feel a different age on the inside than the one on their birth certificate. What age do you feel on the inside? | |||||||||
Childhood | |||||||||
dm085 - where were you born? | |||||||||
dm086 - Can you please provide the name and address of the hospital or other place where you were born? | |||||||||
dm087 - How much did you weigh when you were born? | |||||||||
dm088 - Enter weight in KG | |||||||||
dm089 - Enter wight in stones and pounds [dm089p] [dm089o] | |||||||||
dm002 - Where was your father brought up? | |||||||||
dm003 - Where was your mother brought up? | |||||||||
dm004 - Were you living in a rural area when you were about age 14? | |||||||||
dm005 - Consider your health while you were growing up, from birth to age 14. Would you say that your health during that time was… | |||||||||
dm006 - Now think about your family when you were growing up, from birth to age 14. Would you say your family was… | |||||||||
dm007a - While you were growing up, before age 14, did your mother ever work outside the home? | |||||||||
dm007 - What was your mother's occupation when you were age 14? | |||||||||
dm007bx - Was the mother's occupation a farm owner or manager? | |||||||||
dm007b1 - Social class of mother's occupation | |||||||||
dm007b2 - How many acres did your mother own or manage? | |||||||||
dm007b3 - Hidden Social Class question - from DM007b1 and DM007b2 | |||||||||
dm008a - While you were growing up, before age 14, did your father ever work outside the home? | |||||||||
dm008 - What was your father's occupation when you were age 14? | |||||||||
dm008bx - Was the father's occupation a farm owner or manager? | |||||||||
dm008b1 - Social class of father's occupation | |||||||||
dm008b2 - How many acres did your father own or manage? | |||||||||
dm008b3 - Hidden Social Class question - from DM007b1 and DM007b2 | |||||||||
dm009 - What was the highest grade of school your father completed? | |||||||||
dm010 - And what was the highest grade of school your mother completed? | |||||||||
dm036 - Before age 14, was there a time of several months or more when [your/Rname's] father had no job? | |||||||||
dm053 - How many rooms did [your/their] household occupy in that accommodation, including bedrooms but excluding kitchen, bathrooms, and hallways? | |||||||||
dm054 - Including [yourself/themselves], how many people lived in [your/their] household? | |||||||||
dm055 - Please look at show card DM4. Did that accommodation have any of the features on this card? | |||||||||
dm056 - : Please look at showcard DM5. Was the accommodation… | |||||||||
dm057 - Please look at show card DM6. Approximately how many books were there in that accommodation? Do not count magazines, newspapers, or school books. | |||||||||
dm052 - Thinking back to your/their childhood, at which address did [you/they] live at for most years until you/they were about fourteen years old? | |||||||||
- In a previous interview [you/they] said that [your/their] father was
involved in farming. What was the acreage of the farm? |
dm037 - Now I have some questions about [your/Rname's] brothers and sisters. [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have any brothers or sisters? | |||||||||
dm049 - Thinking about these brothers and sisters, how many were there in total, even if now deceased? | |||||||||
dm050 - [Were you…] / [Was he/she]… | |||||||||
Migration History | |||||||||
dm011 - Were you born in the Republic of Ireland? | |||||||||
dm012 - In which country were you born? | |||||||||
dm012 - Other country you were born in | |||||||||
dm013 - At what age did you first move to the Republic of Ireland? | |||||||||
dm014 - What is your nationality? | |||||||||
dm014 - Other nationality | |||||||||
dm015 - [Since coming to Ireland] have you always lived in this County? | |||||||||
dm016 - About how many years have you lived in this County? | |||||||||
dm017 - Have you ever lived abroad (outside of Republic of Ireland) for more than six months? | |||||||||
dm018 - In total for how many years have you worked or lived in another country? | |||||||||
dm019 - Think about your first long stay in a country other than the Republic of Ireland. At what age did you go? | |||||||||
dm046 - Think about the country [you/Rname] spent most time in when [you/he/she] lived outside of the Republic of Ireland. | |||||||||
dm046 - Think about the country [you/Rname] spent most time in when [you/he/she] lived outside of the Republic of Ireland. Was it? | |||||||||
dm047_01 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? To work | |||||||||
dm047_02 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? To retire | |||||||||
dm047_03 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? Family reasons | |||||||||
dm047_04 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? Homesick | |||||||||
dm047_95 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? Other | |||||||||
dm047_98 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? DK | |||||||||
dm047_99 - Now think about the reasons that made [you/him/her] come back. Why did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? RF | |||||||||
dm047 - Why else did [you/Rname] return to Ireland? | |||||||||
cs014 - Is your (ex) (husband/wife/partner) living in a nursing home, hospital or other health care institution? | |||||||||
dn004 - In which year was [your] [ex-/late] [husband/wife/partner] born? | |||||||||
dn005 - Please look at DM1.What is the highest school certificate or degree that [your] [ex-/late] [husband/wife] [has/had] obtained? | |||||||||
dm090 - What is your ethnic or cultural background | |||||||||
Schooling | |||||||||
dm001 - What is the highest level of education that [you/Rname] completed? | |||||||||
dm081 - Just to clarify, did [you/RName] complete an intermediate certificate, group certificate or junior certificate or equivalent? | |||||||||
dm001a - Since the last time that we interviewed [have/has] [you/Rname] obtained any further qualification | |||||||||
dm025 - What is the highest qualification that [you/Rname] obtained? | |||||||||
dm066 - Just to clarify, did [you/RName] complete an intermediate certificate, group certificate or junior certificate or equivalent?DM066 Just to clarify, did [you/RName] complete an intermediate certificate, group certificate or junior certificate or equivalent? | |||||||||
dm048 - At what age did [you/he/she] leave full-time education? (as in the age [you/he/she] first left continuous education, | |||||||||
cs006 - [Are you still / is he/she still]… | |||||||||
Marital Status | |||||||||
Romantic/Intimate Partner | |||||||||
cs058 - [Do/does] [you/he/she] currently have a romantic, intimate, or sexual partner? | |||||||||
cs011y - In which year did [you/Rname] get married or start living together? | |||||||||
cs012 - In what year did [you/Rname] become a widow/widower? | |||||||||
cs013y - In what year did [you/they] stop living together/get divorced? | |||||||||
cs060- [Have you]/[R'name] ever been married? | |||||||||
cs061- Including any previous marriages, in what year did [you/Rname] first get married? | |||||||||
dm059 - In which month was [your/Rname’s] [husband/wife/partner] born? [if proxy is non-participating partner – in which month were you born?] | |||||||||
dm060 - : In which year was [he/she] born? YEAR:(ex:1955) | |||||||||
dm161 - Please look at this card (DM1). What is the highest level of education that [he/she] completed? [if proxy is non-participating partner – What is the highest level of education that you completed?] | |||||||||
dm083- Just to clarify, did [you/RName] complete an intermediate certificate, group certificate or junior certificate or equivalent?DM066 Just to clarify, did [you/RName] complete an intermediate certificate, group certificate or junior certificate or equivalent? | |||||||||
- : At what age did [he/she] leave full-time education? [as in the age
[he/she] first left continuous
education, excluding any periods spent as a mature student] [if proxy is non-participating partner – At what age did you leave full-time education??] |
- DM062 : Please look at card DM3. What is your [husband/wife/partner]
employment status? [if proxy is non-participating partner – What is your [husband/wife/partner] employment status?] |
dm062oth - DM062oth: Text: Up to 60 characters. | |||||||||
- DM063a: I would like to ask about [Spouse’s/Partner’s name] job. Could you
tell me the name or title of this job?
NOTE: If not at work now, ask about highest paid job ever held [if proxy is non-participating partner – I would like to ask about your job. Could you tell me the name or title of this job?] |
dm063x - Is the SPOUSE’S/PARTNER’S occupation a farm owner or manager | |||||||||
dm063b - What is the acreage of the farm? | |||||||||
dm063c - Dm063c.IWER TO SELECT SOCIAL CLASS | |||||||||
TC (Transfer to Children) | |||||||||
CS028: Next are some questions about your living children (and those of your husband/wife/partner) who don’t live with you in your home. How many living children do you have that do not live with you in your home? Please count all natural children, fostered, adopted and stepchildren, including those of your husband/your wife/your partner. | |||||||||
CS029: Please tell me the name of [the oldest/next oldest] child that does not live in this household | |||||||||
CS030: Is [name of child not living here] male or female? | |||||||||
CS031: How old is [name of child not living here]? | |||||||||
CS031b: Which of these age groups applies to [name of child not living here]? | |||||||||
CS032: What is (name of child not living here)’s present marital status? | |||||||||
CS033: If (child’s name) is married or lives with a partner, what is the name of (child’s name’s) spouse/partner? | |||||||||
CS034: In total, then, how many living children do you have? (including step, foster and adoptive children) | |||||||||
TC001: Let’s talk about CHILD’S NAME. Where does CHILD’S NAME live? | |||||||||
TC002: Does CHILD’S NAME own a home? | |||||||||
TC003: Please look at card TC1. What level of education has CHILD’S NAME attained? | |||||||||
TC004: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME employment status? | |||||||||
TC005: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME SPOUSE/PARTNER employment status? | |||||||||
TC006: How many children do/does CHILD’S NAME (and CHILD’S NAME SPOUSE/PARTNER) have? | |||||||||
TC007: Are any of his/her children under age 18? | |||||||||
TC008: In the last ten years, have you (or your spouse/partner) given the deeds of a house, business, property, or a large amount of money of €5,000 or more to any of your children (or grandchildren)? | |||||||||
TC008A - Which child was that? | |||||||||
TC009: About how much was this support in total? | |||||||||
TC010: Would you say in total it was less than ________ , more than _______ or what? | |||||||||
TC011: I would now like to ask about financial assistance to your children apart from any large lump sums that you mentioned in the previous question. During the last 2 years, did you (or your spouse/partner) give financial or in-kind support totalling €250 or more to any of your children and/or grandchildren (or their spouse/partner)? | |||||||||
TC011a: Who was this support given to? | |||||||||
TC012: About how much was this support in total? | |||||||||
TC013: Would you say in total it was less than ________ , more than _______ or what? | |||||||||
TC014: In the last 2 years, excluding childcare, have you (and/or your spouse/partner) spent at least 1 hour a week helping your adult children and/or grandchildren with things like: 1) Practical household help, e.g. with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) Help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC014a: Who was this support given to? | |||||||||
TC015: About how many hours per month on average did you (and/or your spouse/partner) provide such help to your children? | |||||||||
TC016: In the last two years, have you (or your spouse/partner) spent at least 1 hour a week taking care of grandchildren or great-grandchildren (who live outside your own household)? | |||||||||
TC016a: Which of your children are/is the parent(s) of these grandchildren? | |||||||||
TC017: About how many hours on average per month did you (and/or your spouse/partner) spend taking care of your grandchildren or great-grandchildren (who live outside your own household)? | |||||||||
TC018: In the last two years, have you (or your spouse/partner) received financial or in-kind support from any of your children or grandchildren? | |||||||||
TC019: Over the last 2 years, about how much was the total value of this support from your children? | |||||||||
TC020: Did it amount to a total of less than €_____, more than €_____, or what? | |||||||||
TC019a: Who gave this support? | |||||||||
TC021: In the last 2 years, have your (and/or your spouse’s/partner’s) children or grandchildren spent at least 1 hour a week, helping you and/or your spouse/partner with things like: 1) Practical household help, e.g. with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) Help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC021a: Who gave this help? | |||||||||
TC022: About how many hours per month on average did you (or your spouse/partner) receive such help from your children (or grandchildren)? | |||||||||
TC023: In the last 2 years, did your relatives give you (and your spouse/partner) any help with things like: 1) Practical household help, e.g. with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) Help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC024: About how many hours per month of such help did you receive from other relatives over the last two years? | |||||||||
TC025: Please look at card TC4. In the last 2 years, did you (or your spouse/partner) give any kind of help to your relatives with things like: 1) Practical household help, e.g. with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) help with personal care, such as dressing, eating, getting into and out of bed, using the toilet; 3) help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC026: About how many hours per month on average did you give such help in the last two years? | |||||||||
TC027: In the last 2 years, did your neighbours or friends give you (or your spouse/partner) any kind of help such as: 1) Household help: help with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) Help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC028: About how many hours per month of such help did you receive from friends and neighbours over the last two years? | |||||||||
TC029: In the last 2 years, did you (or your spouse/partner) give any kind of help to your friends, and neighbours (who did not pay you) such as: 1) household help: help with home repairs, gardening, transportation, shopping, household chores; 2) help with personal care, such as dressing, eating, getting into and out of bed, using the toilet; 3) help with paperwork, such as filling out forms, settling financial or legal matters | |||||||||
TC030: About how many hours per month on average did you give such help in the last two years? | |||||||||
Last time we interviewed you, you mentioned that you had <number of
children-CS034FF> child/children. Was this correct? Last time we interviewed you, you mentioned that you had <number of children-CS034FF> child/children. Was this correct? |
TC032a. We'd like to verify the information we have on [your/Rname’s] children [or step children]. | |||||||||
cs018a1: How old is [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
cs018a2: which of these age groups applies to {Child’s name}? | |||||||||
tc001a: Where does CHILD’S NAME live? | |||||||||
tc034a: Is [CHILD’S NAME]’s highest level of education still…. | |||||||||
tc003a: Please look at card TC1. What level of education has CHILD’S NAME attained? | |||||||||
TC040a. Is [CHILD’S NAME] employment status still… | |||||||||
tc004a: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME present employment status? | |||||||||
CS032A: What is [CHILD’S NAME] (name of child)’s present marital status? | |||||||||
TC036AX: Is the child’s occupation a farm owner or manager | |||||||||
TC036A4: What is (was) the acreage of the farm? | |||||||||
TC032b. We'd like to verify the information we have on [your/Rname’s] children [or step children] who are not resident in this household. Our records show that when we last interviewed [you/Rname], [you/he/she] had a child called [Name]. Is this correct? | |||||||||
cs018ba: How old is [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
cs018bb: Which of these age groups applies to [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
tc033b: . Does [CHILD’S NAME] still live … | |||||||||
TC001b: Where does CHILD’S NAME live? | |||||||||
TC034b. Is [CHILD’S NAME]’s highest level of education still | |||||||||
TC003b: Please look at card TC1. What level of education has CHILD’S NAME attained? | |||||||||
TC040b. Is [CHILD’S NAME] employment status still .. | |||||||||
TC004b: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME present employment status? | |||||||||
tc035b: Is [CHILD’S NAME] marital status still.. | |||||||||
CS032b: What is (name of child)’s present marital status? | |||||||||
TC036bx Is the child’s occupation a farm owner or manager | |||||||||
TC036B4. What is the acreage of the farm? | |||||||||
TC042by - year child died | |||||||||
TC042bm - month child died | |||||||||
TC037. [Apart from the children we have already talked about] [Do/Does] [you/Rname] or ([your/his/her] [husband/wife/partner]) have any [other] children or step-children who do not live in this household? | |||||||||
CS029: Please tell me the name of [the oldest/next oldest] child | |||||||||
CS030: Is [name of child] male or female? | |||||||||
cs019a: How old is [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
CS031b: Which of these age groups applies to [name of child]? | |||||||||
CS032: What is (name of child)’s present marital status? | |||||||||
CS033: What is the name of (child’s name’s) spouse/partner? | |||||||||
TC001: Where does CHILD’S NAME live? | |||||||||
TC002: Does CHILD’S NAME own a home? | |||||||||
TC003: Please look at card TC1. What level of education has CHILD’S NAME attained? | |||||||||
TC004: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME employment status? | |||||||||
TC036x2x Is the child’s occupation a farm owner or manager | |||||||||
TC036x2c: what is the acrage of the farm? | |||||||||
TC005: Please look at card TC2. What is CHILD’S NAME SPOUSE/PARTNER employment status? | |||||||||
TC006: How many children do/does CHILD’S NAME (and CHILD’S NAME SPOUSE/PARTNER) have? | |||||||||
TC007: Are any of his/her children under age 18? | |||||||||
In [{month and year previous interview}], [you/Rname] indicated that
[you/he/she] (or [your/his/her] (late) [husband/wife/partner]) gave the deeds
of a house, business, property, or a large amount of money of €5,000 or more
to your children (or grandchildren)?. Which [child(ren)/grandchild/ren]
was/were that? |
TC011a. Who was this support given to? | |||||||||
TC041 Did [you/he/she] agree to be guarantor, either fully or partially when [your/Rname’s] [children were/child was] purchasing a home in the past 10 years? | |||||||||
TC014a. Who was this support given to? | |||||||||
TC016a. Which of your children are/is the parent(s) of these grandchildren? | |||||||||
TC019a. Who gave this support? | |||||||||
TC021a. Who gave this help? | |||||||||
TC101: Our records show that when we last interviewed [you/Rname], [you/he/she] had a child called [Name]. Is this correct? | |||||||||
tc123: Is [{Child’s name}] male or female? | |||||||||
TC102: How old is [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
tc103: Which of these age groups applies to [{Child’s name}]? | |||||||||
tc104: Where does [CHILD’S NAME] live at present? | |||||||||
tc105: Is [CHILD’S NAME]’s highest level of education still | |||||||||
tc106: look at card TC1. What level of education has CHILD’S NAME attained? | |||||||||
tc107: Is [CHILD’S NAME]’s marital status still…. | |||||||||
tc108: is [CHILD’S NAME]’s present marital status? | |||||||||
tc109: Is [CHILD’S NAME] employment status still | |||||||||
tc110: : Please look at card TC2. What is [CHILD’S NAME]’s present employment status? | |||||||||
tc036a: I would like to ask about [Child’s name] occupation. Could you tell me the name or title of this occupation? | |||||||||
tc111: Is [child’s name]’s occupation a farm owner or manager | |||||||||
tc112: iwer to select social class | |||||||||
tc113: What is (was) the acreage of the farm? | |||||||||
tc114: How many children does [CHILD’S NAME] have, if any? | |||||||||
tc115: Are any of [his/her] children under age 18? | |||||||||
tc118: [Apart from the children we have already talked about] [Do/Does] [you/Rname] or ([your/his/her] [husband/wife/partner]) have any [other] children or step-children who do not live in this household? | |||||||||
tc119: Please tell me the name of [the oldest/next oldest] child | |||||||||
tc120: Is [name of child] male or female? | |||||||||
tc116y_n: I’m very sorry to hear that, let me offer my sincere condolences. Can you tell me what month and year did CHILDn's NAME die (year) | |||||||||
tc122: Let me just check. So in total you have [Respondent name has] [number of living children] children. Is this correct? | |||||||||
tc043: what was the main reason for this assistance or gift? | |||||||||
tc044: what was the main reason for this assistance or gift? | |||||||||
PH (Physical and Cognitive Health) | |||||||||
Overall health and functional limitations | |||||||||
ph001 - Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health. Would you say your health is… | |||||||||
ph002 - What about your emotional or mental health? Is it ... | |||||||||
ph003 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have any long-term health problems, illness, disability or infirmity? | |||||||||
ph004 - Does this illness or disability limit [your/his/her] activities in any way? | |||||||||
ph005 - For the past six months or more, to what extent [have/has] [you/he/she] been limited because of a health problem? | |||||||||
ph006 - [Do/Does] [you/Rname] have any health problem or disability that limits the kind or amount of paid work [you/he/she] could do? | |||||||||
ph007 - Is this a health problem or disability that you expect to last less than three months? | |||||||||
ph008 - In the past year [have/has] [you/Rname] lost 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or more in weight when [you/he/she] [were/was]n't trying to? | |||||||||
ph009- In general, compared to other people your age, would you say your health is…. | |||||||||
-Eyesight | |||||||||
ph101 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] usually wear glasses or contact lenses? | |||||||||
ph101a - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] usually wear ordinary glasses, bifocals or contact lenses? | |||||||||
ph101b - How long [have/has] [you/he/she] had bifocals? | |||||||||
ph102 - Is your eyesight (using glasses or contact lenses if you use them)... | |||||||||
ph103 - How good is your eyesight for seeing things at a distance, like recognising a friend across the street (using glasses or contact lens if you use them)? Would you say it is.. | |||||||||
How good is your eyesight for seeing things up close, like reading ordinary
newspaper print (using glasses or contact lens if you use them)? Would you
say it is... |
PH105: Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following eye diseases? | |||||||||
PH105_01 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - Cataracts | |||||||||
PH105_02 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - Glaucoma | |||||||||
PH105_03 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - Age related macular degeneration | |||||||||
PH105_95 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - Other (please specify) | |||||||||
PH105_96 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - None | |||||||||
PH105_98 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - DK | |||||||||
PH105_99 - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following [other] eye diseases? - RF | |||||||||
ph105a - Last time [you/Rname] [were/was] interviewed, [you/he/she] told us that [you/he/she] [have/had]: [condition from ph105ff] | |||||||||
ph105x_1 - It may be that we have a recording error about [you/Rname] having [condition from ph105ff] | |||||||||
ph105y_1 - Do you still have: Cataracts? | |||||||||
ph105y_2 - Do you still have: Glaucoma? | |||||||||
ph105y_3 - Do you still have: Age related macular degeneration? | |||||||||
ph106 - [have/has] [you/he/she] had cataract surgery? | |||||||||
-Hearing | |||||||||
ph107 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? | |||||||||
ph107_01 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - Hearing aid (all the time) | |||||||||
ph107_02 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - Hearing aid (some of the time) | |||||||||
ph107_03 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - Amplifier | |||||||||
ph107_95 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - Other hearing support | |||||||||
ph107_96 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - None of the above | |||||||||
ph107_98 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - DK | |||||||||
ph107_99 - HEARING [Do/Does] [you/he/she] use any of the following aids or appliances to help [you/him/her] with [your/his/her] hearing? - RF | |||||||||
ph145 - Do you feel [you/he/she] [have/has] a hearing loss? | |||||||||
ph164 - Approximately at what age did you first notice a hearing loss? | |||||||||
ph108 - Is your hearing (with or without a hearing aid)... | |||||||||
ph108a - Is you hearing (without a hearing aid)… | |||||||||
ph108b - Is your hearing (With a hearing aid)… | |||||||||
ph109 - Can you follow a conversation with one person (with or without a hearing aid)? | |||||||||
ph110 - Can you follow a conversation with four people (with or without a hearing aid)? | |||||||||
ph111 - Can you use a normal telephone? | |||||||||
ph166 - Do you experience noises in your ears (tinnitus) | |||||||||
-Smell | |||||||||
ph112 - SMELL Is your sense of smell … | |||||||||
-Taste | |||||||||
ph113 - TASTE Is your sense of taste .... | |||||||||
Memory | |||||||||
ph114 - How would you rate your day-to-day memory at the present time? Would you say it is... | |||||||||
ph115 - How often would you find that you are absent-minded, for example forgetting where you put your glasses/keys or finding yourself in a room having forgotten why you came in there? Would you say that you are absent minded in this sort of way? | |||||||||
ph142 - Compared to the last time we interviewed you in [date of previous interview], would you say your memory is… | |||||||||
ph143 - How would you rate [Rname]'s day-to-day memory at the present time? Would you say it is? | |||||||||
ph144 - Compared to [date of previous interview], would you say [Rname]'s day-to-day memory is… | |||||||||
ph147- How long have you known (Rname)? | |||||||||
ph148 - Compared with…..how is [he/she] at: Remembering things about family and friends, such as occupations, birthdays, and addresses | |||||||||
ph149 - Compared with …. , how is [he/she] at: Remembering things that have happened recently | |||||||||
ph150 - Recalling conversations a few days later | |||||||||
ph151 - Remembering [his/her] address and telephone number | |||||||||
ph152 - Remembering what day and month it is | |||||||||
ph153 - Remembering where things are usually kept? | |||||||||
ph154 - Remembering where to find things which have been put in a different place than usual? | |||||||||
ph155 - Knowing how to work familiar machines around the house? | |||||||||
ph156 - Learning to use a new gadget or machine around the house? | |||||||||
ph157 - Learning new things in general? | |||||||||
ph158 - Following a story in a book or on TV? | |||||||||
ph159 - Making decisions on everyday matters? | |||||||||
ph160 - Handling money for shopping? | |||||||||
ph161 - Handling financial matters, that is, [his/her] pension or dealing with the bank? | |||||||||
ph162 - Handling other everyday arithmetic problems, such as, knowing how much food to buy, knowing how long between visits from family or friends? | |||||||||
ph163- Using [his/her] intelligence to understand what's going on and to reason things through? | |||||||||
Heart disease section | |||||||||
PH201 - Please look at card PH1. Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? | |||||||||
PH201_01 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? High blood pressure or hypertension | |||||||||
PH201_02 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Angina | |||||||||
PH201_03 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? A heart attack (including myocardial infarction or coronary thrombosis) | |||||||||
PH201_04 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Congestive heart failure | |||||||||
PH201_05 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Diabetes or high blood sugar | |||||||||
PH201_06 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? A stroke (cerebral vascular disease) | |||||||||
PH201_07 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Ministroke or TIA | |||||||||
PH201_08 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? High cholesterol | |||||||||
PH201_09 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? A heart murmur | |||||||||
PH201_10 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? An abnormal heart rhythm | |||||||||
PH201_11 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Atrial Fibrillation | |||||||||
Ph201_12 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? An abnormal heart rhythm (not atrial fibrillation) | |||||||||
PH201_95 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? Any other heart trouble (specify) [ph201a] | |||||||||
PH201_96 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? None of these | |||||||||
PH201_98 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? DK | |||||||||
PH201_99 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the conditions on this card? RF | |||||||||
Ph201a - Please specify the other heart trouble | |||||||||
ph201a - Last time [you/Rname] [were/was] interviewed, [you/he/she] told us that [you/he/she] [have/had]: [condition from Ph201ff] | |||||||||
ph201x0_01 - High blood pressure or hypertension | |||||||||
ph201x0_02 - Angina | |||||||||
ph201x0_03 - A heart attack (inc. myocardial infarction or coronary thrombosis) | |||||||||
ph201x0_04 - Congestive heart failure | |||||||||
ph201x0_05 - Diabetes or high blood sugar | |||||||||
ph201x0_06 - A stroke (cerebral vascular disease) | |||||||||
ph201x0_07 - Ministroke or TIA | |||||||||
ph201x0_08 - High cholesterol | |||||||||
px201x0_09 - A heart murmur | |||||||||
ph201x0_10 - An abnormal heart rhythm | |||||||||
px201x0_11 - Atrial fibrillation | |||||||||
px201x0_12 - An abnormal heart rhythm (not atrial fibrillation) | |||||||||
ph201x_i - It may be that we have a recording error about [you/Rname] having [condition from Ph201ff]. | |||||||||
ph226 - With regards to [your/his/her] abnormal heart rhythm, can you tell me if that was an Atrial Fibrillation or not? | |||||||||
ph201y_1 - Do you still have: [High blood pressure or hypertension]? | |||||||||
ph201y_2 - Do you still have: [Angina]? | |||||||||
ph201y_4 - Do you still have: [Congestive heart failure]? | |||||||||
ph201y_5 - Do you still have: [Diabetes or high blood sugar]? | |||||||||
ph201y_8 - Do you still have: [High cholesterol]? | |||||||||
ph201y_9 - Do you still have: [A heart murmur]? | |||||||||
ph201y_11 - Do you still have: [Atrial Fibrillation]? | |||||||||
ph201y_12 - Do you still have: [An abnormal heart rhythm (not atrial fibrillation]? | |||||||||
ph202 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had high blood pressure? | |||||||||
PH202 - When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had high blood pressure? | |||||||||
ph202a - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently taking any tablets or pills for high blood pressure? | |||||||||
PH202b: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? | |||||||||
PH202b_01: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - Taking medications | |||||||||
PH202b_02: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - Lifestyle changes (e.g. diet, exercise, etc.) | |||||||||
PH202b_95: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - Other | |||||||||
PH202b_96: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - None of the above | |||||||||
PH202b_98: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - DK | |||||||||
PH202b_99: [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your blood pressure? - RF | |||||||||
ph203 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had angina | |||||||||
PH203 - When [were/was] [you/he/she] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had angina? | |||||||||
ph204 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] limiting [your/his/her] usual activities because of [your/his/her] angina? | |||||||||
ph204a - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] ever had an angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph204by - In what year was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph204bm - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year/month was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent?) | |||||||||
ph204c - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] ever had open heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph204dy - In what year was [your/his/her] last heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph204dm - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year/month was [your/his/her] last heart surgery?) | |||||||||
ph205 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] | |||||||||
PH205: - When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had a heart attack (including myocardial infarction or coronary thrombosis)? | |||||||||
ph206y - In what year was [your/his/her] (most recent) heart attack? | |||||||||
ph206m - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year/month was [your/his/her] (most recent) heart attack? | |||||||||
ph207 - According to the doctor how many heart attacks [have/has] [you/he/she] had? | |||||||||
ph208 - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] ever had an angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph209y - In what year was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph209m - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent?) | |||||||||
ph210 - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] ever had open heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph211y - In what year was [your/his/her] last heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph211m - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what month was [your/his/her] last heart surgery?) | |||||||||
ph206b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview [have/has] [you/he/she] had another heart attack? | |||||||||
ph206cy - In what year was [your/his/her] (most recent) heart attack? | |||||||||
ph206cm - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what month was [your/his/her] (most recent) heart attack?) | |||||||||
ph207b - According to the doctor how many heart attacks [have/has] [you/he/she] had in the last two years? | |||||||||
ph208b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview [have/has] [you/he/she] had an angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph209by - In what year was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent? | |||||||||
ph209bm - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what month was [your/his/her] last angioplasty or Stent?) | |||||||||
ph210b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview [have/has] [you/he/she] had open heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph211by - In what year was [your/his/her] last heart surgery? | |||||||||
ph211bm - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year was [your/his/her] last heart surgery?) | |||||||||
ph212 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] | |||||||||
PH212 - When [were/was] [you/he/she] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had congestive heart failure? | |||||||||
ph213 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] | |||||||||
PH213 - When [were/was] [you/he/she] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had diabetes or high blood sugar? | |||||||||
ph213b - What type of diabetes [do/does/did] [you/Rname] have? | |||||||||
ph229 -[Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) | |||||||||
ph229_01 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - Taking medication, other than insulin, for diabetes | |||||||||
ph229_02 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - Taking insulin injections | |||||||||
ph229_03 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - Taking other injections for diabetes | |||||||||
ph229_04 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - Lifestyle changes (e.g. diet, exercise, etc.) to manage diabetes | |||||||||
ph229_95 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - Other | |||||||||
ph229_96 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - None of these | |||||||||
ph229_98 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - DK | |||||||||
ph229_99 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] currently doing any of the following: (options for managing diabetes provided) - RF | |||||||||
ph214 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently taking any tablets, pills or other medication that [you/he/she] [swallow/swallows] for diabetes? | |||||||||
ph215 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] currently inject insulin for diabetes? | |||||||||
ph216 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? | |||||||||
ph216_01 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - Leg ulcers | |||||||||
ph216_02 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - Protein in [your/his/her] legs and feet | |||||||||
ph216_03 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - Lack of feeling and tingling pain in [your/his/her] legs and feet due to nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) | |||||||||
ph216_04 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - Damage to the back of [your/his/her] eye (diabetic retinopathy) | |||||||||
ph216_05 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - Damage to [your/his/her] kidneys (diabetic nephropathy) | |||||||||
ph216_96 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - No, none of these | |||||||||
ph216_98 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - DK | |||||||||
ph216_99 - Has a doctor ever told [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the following conditions related to [your/his/her] diabetes? - RF | |||||||||
PH230 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] been invited for an eye exam by the national retinal screening programme (Diabetic RetinaScreen) in the last 24 months? | |||||||||
PH231 - Did you attend this service? | |||||||||
ph218 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had a stroke? | |||||||||
PH218 - When [were/was] [you/he/she] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had a stroke? | |||||||||
ph219 - How many strokes [have/has] [you/he/she] had? | |||||||||
ph220y - In what year was [your/his/her] most recent stroke? | |||||||||
ph220m - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what year was [your/his/her] most recent stroke?) | |||||||||
ph219b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview [have/has] [you/he/she] had any further strokes? | |||||||||
ph219c - How many strokes [have/has] [you/he/she] had in the last two years? | |||||||||
ph219dy - When was [your/his/her] most recent stroke? | |||||||||
ph219dm - ENTER MONTH HERE (When was [your/his/her] most recent stroke?) | |||||||||
ph221 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] | |||||||||
PH221: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had a TIA, ministroke, or transient ischaemic attack? | |||||||||
ph222 - How many TIAs or ministrokes [have/has] [you/he/she] had? | |||||||||
ph223y - In what year was [your/his/her] most recent TIA or ministrokes? | |||||||||
ph223m - ENTER MONTH HERE (In what month was [your/his/her] most recent TIA or ministrokes?) | |||||||||
ph222b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview [have/has] [you/he/she] had any further TIA's or ministrokes? | |||||||||
ph222c - How many TIA's or ministrokes [have/has] [you/he/she] had in the last two years? | |||||||||
ph222dy - When was [your/his/her] most recent TIA or ministroke? ENTER YEAR | |||||||||
ph222dm - ENTER MONTH HERE (When was [your/his/her] most recent TIA or ministroke?) | |||||||||
ph225 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently taking any tablets or pills for high cholesterol? | |||||||||
ph225b - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? | |||||||||
ph225b_01 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - Taking medications | |||||||||
ph225b_02 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - Lifestyle changes (e.g. diet, exercise, etc.) | |||||||||
ph225b_95 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - Other | |||||||||
ph225b_96 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - None of the above | |||||||||
ph225b_98 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - DK | |||||||||
ph225b_99 - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] currently doing any of the following to manage your cholesterol? - RF | |||||||||
ph224 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] | |||||||||
PH227 - [Are/Is] [you/Rname] taking blood thinning medications e.g. warfarin for [your/his/her] irregular heart rhythm? | |||||||||
PH228 - In the last 2 months, has [your/Rname's] warfarin or blood thinning medication dose been changed more than 3 times by [your/his/her] doctor? | |||||||||
Other Chronic conditions | |||||||||
PH301 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? | |||||||||
- Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? -
Chronic lung disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema |
PH301_02 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Asthma | |||||||||
PH301_03 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Arthritis (including osteoarthritis, or rheumatism) | |||||||||
PH301_04 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Osteoporosis, sometimes called thin or brittle bones | |||||||||
PH301_05 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Cancer or a malignant tumour (including leukaemia or lymphoma but excluding minor skin cancers) | |||||||||
PH301_06 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Parkinson's disease | |||||||||
- Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? -
Any emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems, such as depression or anxiety |
PH301_08 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Alcohol or substance abuse | |||||||||
PH301_09 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Alzheimer's disease | |||||||||
PH301_10 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Dementia, organic brain syndrome, senility | |||||||||
PH301_11 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Serious memory impairment | |||||||||
PH301_12 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Stomach ulcers | |||||||||
PH301_13 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Varicose Ulcers (an ulcer due to varicose veins) | |||||||||
PH301_14 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Cirrhosis, or serious liver damage | |||||||||
PH301_15 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Thyroid Problems | |||||||||
PH301_16 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Alcohol abuse | |||||||||
PH301_17 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Substance abuse | |||||||||
PH301_18 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Chronic kidney disease | |||||||||
PH301_19 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Severe anaemia | |||||||||
PH301_20 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Epilepsy | |||||||||
PH301_21 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Chest infection | |||||||||
PH301_95 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - Other (Please Specify) | |||||||||
PH301_96 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - None of these | |||||||||
PH301_98 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - DK | |||||||||
PH301_99 - Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following conditions? - RF | |||||||||
ph301a - Last time [you/Rname] [were/was] interviewed, [you/he/she] told us that [you/he/she] had: [condition from PH301ff] | |||||||||
ph301x_01 to _15 - It may be that we have a recording error about [you/Rname] having [condition from PH301ff]. | |||||||||
ph301b - Has a doctor ever told [you/Rname] that [you/he/she] [have/has] any of the conditions on this card that could affect [your/his/her] immune system? | |||||||||
ph326 - Can you clarify, did [you/he/she] suffer from alcohol abuse, substance abuse or both? | |||||||||
ph301y_1 - Do you still have: [Chronic lung disease]? | |||||||||
ph301y_2 - Do you still have: [Asthma]? | |||||||||
ph301y_3 - Do you still have: [Arthritis]? | |||||||||
ph301y_4 - Do you still have: [Osteoporosis]? | |||||||||
ph301y_5 - Do you still have: [Cancer or a malignant tumour]? | |||||||||
ph301y_7 - Do you still have: [emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems]? | |||||||||
ph301y_12 - Do you still have: [Stomach ulcers]? | |||||||||
ph301y_13 - Do you still have: [Varicose Ulcers]? | |||||||||
ph301y_14 - Do you still have: [Cirrhosis, or serious liver damage]? | |||||||||
ph301y_14 - Do you still have: [Thyroid problems? | |||||||||
ph301y_19: Do you still have: [severe anaemia]? | |||||||||
ph302 - [Is/Are] [you/Rname] receiving oxygen for [your/his/her] lung condition? | |||||||||
ph302a - Is this lung condition COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)? | |||||||||
ph303 - Does [your/his/her] lung condition limit [your/his/her] usual activities, such as household chores or work? | |||||||||
ph304 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? | |||||||||
ph304_01 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? - Osteoarthritis | |||||||||
ph304_02 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? - Rheumatoid arthritis | |||||||||
ph304_95 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? - Some other kind of arthritis | |||||||||
ph304_98 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? - DK | |||||||||
ph304_99 - Which type or types of arthritis [do/does] [you/Rname] have? - RF | |||||||||
ph305 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/he/she] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] [had/has] arthritis? | |||||||||
PH305: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told that [you/he/she] had arthritis? | |||||||||
ph306 - Does [your/his/her] arthritis make it difficult for [you/him/her] to do [your/his/her] usual activities such as household chores or work? | |||||||||
ph307 - Does the arthritis limit [your/his/her] social and leisure activities? | |||||||||
ph308 - Does [your/his/her] arthritis make it difficult for [you/him/her] to sleep at night? | |||||||||
ph309 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had cancer or a malignant tumour? | |||||||||
PH309: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had cancer or a malignant tumour? | |||||||||
Ph310 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? | |||||||||
Ph310_01 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Lung | |||||||||
Ph310_02 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Breast | |||||||||
Ph310_03 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Colon or rectum | |||||||||
Ph310_04 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Stomach | |||||||||
Ph310_05 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Oesophagus | |||||||||
Ph310_06 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Prostate | |||||||||
Ph310_07 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Bladder | |||||||||
Ph310_08 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Liver | |||||||||
Ph310_09 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Brain | |||||||||
Ph310_10 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Ovary | |||||||||
Ph310_11 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Cervix | |||||||||
Ph310_12 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Endometrium | |||||||||
Ph310_13 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Thyroid | |||||||||
Ph310_14 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Kidney | |||||||||
Ph310_15 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Testicle | |||||||||
Ph310_16 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Pancreas | |||||||||
Ph310_17 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Malignant melanoma (skin) | |||||||||
Ph310_18 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Oral cavity | |||||||||
Ph310_19 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Larynx | |||||||||
Ph310_20 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Other pharynx (including nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx or hypopharynx) | |||||||||
Ph310_21 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma | |||||||||
Ph310_22 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Leukaemia | |||||||||
Ph310_95 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Other organ | |||||||||
Ph310oth - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - Other (specify) | |||||||||
Ph310_96 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - None of these | |||||||||
Ph310_98 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - DK | |||||||||
Ph310_99 - In which organ or part of the body have you or have you had cancer? - RF | |||||||||
ph310a - Last time [you/Rname] [were/was] interviewed, [you/he/she] told us that [you/he/she] [have/had] the following cancer. | |||||||||
ph310x_1 - It may be that we have a recording error about [you/Rname] having [cancer type from PH310ff]. | |||||||||
ph310y_1 to _22 - Do you still have: [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph311 - Have you received any treatment for your cancer? | |||||||||
ph311_i - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] received any treatment for [your/his/her] [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph312 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? | |||||||||
ph312_01 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Chemotherapy | |||||||||
ph312_02 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Medication | |||||||||
ph312_03 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Surgery | |||||||||
ph312_04 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Biopsy | |||||||||
ph312_05 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Radiation/X-ray | |||||||||
ph312_06 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Treatment for symptoms (pain, nausea, rashes) | |||||||||
ph312_95 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Other | |||||||||
ph312_98 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - DK | |||||||||
ph312_99 - What sort of treatments have you received for cancer? - Rf | |||||||||
ph312_i_i - What sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph312oth_i - What other sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph313 - Since you received treatment has the cancer got worse, better or stayed about the same? | |||||||||
ph313_i - Since [you/he/she] received this treatment has the [type of cancer] got worse, better or stayed about the same? | |||||||||
ph311a_i - Since our last interview, [have/has] [you/he/she] received any treatment for [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph312a_i_i - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph312a_i_01 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Chemotherapy | |||||||||
ph312a_i_02 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Medication | |||||||||
ph312a_i_03 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Surgery | |||||||||
ph312a_i_04 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Biopsy | |||||||||
ph312a_i_05 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Radiation/X-Ray | |||||||||
ph312a_i_06 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Treatment for symptoms (pain, nausea, rashes) | |||||||||
ph312a_i_95 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - Other (specify) | |||||||||
ph312a_i_98 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - DK | |||||||||
ph312a_i_99 - Since our last interview, what sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? - RF | |||||||||
ph312a_1 - Other sort of treatments [have/has] [you/he/she] received for [type of cancer]? | |||||||||
ph313a_i - Since [you/he/she] received this treatment, has the [type of cancer] got worse, better or stayed about the same? | |||||||||
ph314 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had Parkinson's disease? | |||||||||
PH314: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had Parkinson’s disease? | |||||||||
ph315 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems? | |||||||||
PH315: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems? | |||||||||
ph316 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? | |||||||||
ph316_01 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Hallucinations | |||||||||
ph316_02 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Anxiety | |||||||||
ph316_03 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Depression | |||||||||
ph316_04 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Emotional problems | |||||||||
ph316_05 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Schizophrenia | |||||||||
ph316_06 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Psychosis | |||||||||
ph316_07 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Mood swings | |||||||||
ph316_08 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Manic depression | |||||||||
ph316_09 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Post-traumatic stress disorder | |||||||||
ph316_95 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - Something else | |||||||||
ph316_98 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - DK | |||||||||
ph316_99 - What type of emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems [do/does] [you/he/she] have? - RF | |||||||||
ph317 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] get psychiatric treatment for [your/his/her] problems, such as attending a psychiatrist? | |||||||||
ph317a - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] get psychological treatment for [your/his/her] problems, such as counselling? | |||||||||
ph317b - Since [your/Rname's] last interview, did [you/he/she] get psychiatric treatment for [your/his/her] problems, such as attending a psychiatrist? | |||||||||
ph317c - Since [your/his/her] last interview, did [you/he/she] get psychological treatment for [your/his/her] problems, such as counselling? | |||||||||
PH320: Approximately how old were you when you were first told by a doctor that you suffered from alcohol or substance abuse? | |||||||||
PH320: Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] suffered from alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
PH320: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] suffered from alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
PH321: Do you currently suffer from alcohol or substance abuse? | |||||||||
PH322: Are you receiving any treatment for your alcohol or substance abuse? | |||||||||
PH323:How long did you suffer from alcohol or substance abuse? | |||||||||
PH324: Did you receive any treatment for your alcohol or substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph321a - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] currently suffer from alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
ph322a - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] receiving any treatment for [your/his/her] alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
ph323a - How long did [you/he/she] suffer from alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
ph324a - Did [you/he/she] ever receive any treatment for [your/his/her] alcohol abuse? | |||||||||
ph320b - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] suffered from substance abuse? | |||||||||
PH320a: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] suffered from substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph321b - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] currently suffer from substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph322b - [Is/Are] [you/he/she] receiving any treatment for [your/his/her] substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph323b - How long did [you/he/she] suffer from substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph324b - Did [you/he/she] ever receive any treatment for [your/his/her] substance abuse? | |||||||||
ph318 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had Alzheimer's Disease? | |||||||||
PH318: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had Alzheimer’s Disease? | |||||||||
ph319 - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had dementia, senility? | |||||||||
PH319: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had dementia, senility? | |||||||||
ph319a - Approximately how old [were/was] [you/Rname] when [you/he/she] [were/was] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had serious memory impairments? | |||||||||
PH319a: When [were/was] [you/Rname] first told by a doctor that [you/he/she] had serious memory impairment? | |||||||||
ph325 - [Do/Does] [you/Rname] have an overactive (hyperactive) thyroid or an underactive (hypoactive) thyroid? | |||||||||
ph327 - Have you ever had dialysis or a kidney transplant? | |||||||||
PH328: [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever had a major bleed which required hospitalisation or a blood transfusion? | |||||||||
PH328: [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever had a major bleed which required hospitalisation or a blood transfusion? | |||||||||
ph330 - In the last 2 years, how many times [have/has] [you/Rname] gone to [your/his/her] GP because of a chest infection? | |||||||||
ph331 - On how many occasions in the last 2 years, [were/was] [you/Rname] prescribed antibiotics for a chest infection? | |||||||||
ph332 - On how many occasions in the last 2 years, [were/was] [you/Rname] hospitalised as a result of a chest infection? | |||||||||
ph333 - On any of these occasions did [your/his/her] GP or a doctor in the hospital ever tell [you/him/her] that [you/he/she] had pneumonia? | |||||||||
ph334 - [Were/was] [you/Rname] admitted to hospital due to pneumonia? | |||||||||
ph335 - [Were/was] [you/Rname] admitted to the intensive care department due to pneumonia? | |||||||||
ph336 - Approximately how long was [your/his/her] hospital stays in total from all admissions (add up total number of days)? | |||||||||
ph337 - On release from the hospital, did [you/Rname] need care | |||||||||
Falls/Fracture section | |||||||||
ph401 - Have you fallen in the last year? | |||||||||
ph402 - How many times [have/has] [you/he/she] fallen in the last year? | |||||||||
PH402a - How many times have you fallen since your last interview? | |||||||||
ph403 - Were any of these falls non-accidental, i.e. with no apparent or obvious reason? | |||||||||
ph404 - Did [you/he/she] injure [yourself/himself/herself] seriously enough to need medical treatment? | |||||||||
ph405 - Have you ever had a blackout or fainted? | |||||||||
ph406 - Approximately how many times [have/has] [you/he/she] had a blackout or fainted in the last year? | |||||||||
ph406a - In [your/his/her] last interview, [you/Rname] said that [you/he/she] [have/has] blacked out or fainted in the past. How many times [since our last interview]? | |||||||||
PH407: Were you a frequent fainter when you were younger? | |||||||||
PH438: Approximately how many times [have/has] [you/he/she] had a blackout, near-faint or fainted before the age of 18? | |||||||||
PH439: Approximately how many times [have/has] [you/he/she] had a blackout, near-faint or fainted after the age of 18? | |||||||||
-Fear of Falling | |||||||||
ph408 - [Is/Are] [you/Rname] afraid of falling? | |||||||||
ph409 - Do you feel somewhat afraid or very much afraid of falling? | |||||||||
ph410 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever limit [your/his/her] activities, for example, what [you/he/she] [do/does] or where [you/he/she] [go/goes] because [you/he/she] [are/is] afraid of falling? | |||||||||
ph411 - When walking, do you feel... | |||||||||
ph412 - When standing, do you feel ... | |||||||||
ph413 - When getting up from a chair, do you feel... | |||||||||
-Steadiness | |||||||||
PH414 - Have you ever fractured your hip or Wrist | |||||||||
Ph414_01 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - Hip | |||||||||
Ph414_02 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - Wrist | |||||||||
Ph414_03 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - Bones in [your/his/her] back/spine (Vertebral | |||||||||
Ph414_95 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - Other | |||||||||
Ph414_96 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - None of the above | |||||||||
Ph414_98 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - DK | |||||||||
Ph414_99 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever fractured any of the following? - RF | |||||||||
ph414a - In your last interview, you told us that you had fractured your: (bone from PH414ff) | |||||||||
ph414x_1 - It may be that we have a recording error about you fracturing your [bone from PH414ff]. | |||||||||
ph414 - Have you ever fractured any of the following? / Since [your/his/her] last interview, [have/has] [you/Rname] fractured any of the following? | |||||||||
PH438a: [Were/Was] [you/Rname] aged 40 or over when [you/he/she] fractured [your/his/her] hip? | |||||||||
PH439a: In what month/year did this fracture occur? | |||||||||
PH440a: Was this fracture the result of a fall, a car accident or another event? | |||||||||
PH441a: Which of the following best describes the circumstances of this fall? | |||||||||
ph441aoth - specify other | |||||||||
PH438b: [Were/Was] [you/Rname] aged 40 or over when [you/he/she] fractured [your/his/her] wrist? | |||||||||
PH439b: In what month/year did this fracture occur? | |||||||||
PH440b: Was this fracture the result of a fall, a car accident or another event? | |||||||||
PH441b: Which of the following best describes the circumstances of this fall? | |||||||||
ph441both - specify other | |||||||||
PH438c: [Were/Was] [you/Rname] aged 40 or over when [you/he/she] fractured [your/his/her] back/spine (vertebrae? | |||||||||
PH439c: In what month/year did this fracture occur? | |||||||||
PH440c: Was this fracture the result of a fall, a car accident or another event? | |||||||||
PH441c: Which of the following best describes the circumstances of this fall? | |||||||||
ph441coth - specify other | |||||||||
ph436 - Did either of [your/his/her] parents ever have a hip or wrist fracture? | |||||||||
ph437 - Which of [your/his/her] parents had a previous hip or wrist fracture? | |||||||||
ph415 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] had any joint replacements? | |||||||||
ph416 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? | |||||||||
ph416_01 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Hip | |||||||||
ph416_02 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Both hips | |||||||||
ph416_03 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Knee | |||||||||
ph416_04 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Boths Knees | |||||||||
ph416_05 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Hip(s) and Knee(s) | |||||||||
ph416_95 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - Other joint | |||||||||
ph416_98 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - DK | |||||||||
ph416_99 - Which joints did [you/he/she] have replaced? - RF | |||||||||
ph417 - [Was/were] the joint replacement(s) because of arthritis, a fracture or for some other reason? | |||||||||
Pain Section | |||||||||
ph501 - [Is/Are] [you/Rname] often troubled with pain? | |||||||||
PH506: Has this pain lasted more than 3 months? | |||||||||
ph502 - How bad is the pain most of the time? Is it... | |||||||||
ph503 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? | |||||||||
ph503_01 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Back | |||||||||
ph503_02 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Hips | |||||||||
ph503_03 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Knees | |||||||||
ph503_04 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Feet | |||||||||
ph503_05 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Mouth/Teeth | |||||||||
ph503_06 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - All over | |||||||||
ph503_07 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Chest | |||||||||
ph503_08 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Head | |||||||||
ph503_95 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Other | |||||||||
ph503oth - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - Other (specify) | |||||||||
ph503_98 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - DK | |||||||||
ph503_99 - Now thinking about this pain, in which part of your body is it most severe? - RF | |||||||||
ph504 - Does the pain make it difficult for you to do your usual activities such as household chores or work? | |||||||||
ph505 - Are you taking any medication to control the pain? | |||||||||
PH506: Does this medication control your pain? | |||||||||
Oral health section | |||||||||
ph507 - Which best describes the teeth [you/Rname] [have/has]? | |||||||||
PH508: Would you say [your/Rname’s] dental health (mouth, teeth and/or dentures) | |||||||||
PH509: In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? | |||||||||
PH509_01 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - Difficulty eating food | |||||||||
PH509_02 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - Difficulty speaking clearly | |||||||||
PH509_03 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - Problems with smiling, laughing and showing teeth without embarrassment | |||||||||
PH509_04 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - Problems with emotional stability, for example, becoming more easily upset than usual | |||||||||
- In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures
caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - Problems enjoying the
company of other people such as family, friends, or neighbours |
PH509_96 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - None of these | |||||||||
PH509_98 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - DK | |||||||||
PH509_99 - In the past 6 months, have any problems with mouth, teeth or dentures caused [you/Rname] to have any of the following? - RF | |||||||||
PH510: Over the last few years, how often [have/has] [you/he/she] visited the dentist? | |||||||||
PH511: If [you/he/she] needed a routine visit for dental care, which one of the following would [you/Rname] attend? | |||||||||
ph512 - And which of these was the main reason for your/his/her most recent visit to the dentist? | |||||||||
Incontinence section | |||||||||
ph600 - I would therefore like to ask you some questions about urinary incontinence. Is it ok to ask you about this? | |||||||||
ph601 - During the last 12 months, [have/has] [you/Rname] lost any amount of urine beyond [your/his/her] control? | |||||||||
ph602 - Did this happen more than once during a 1 month period? | |||||||||
ph603 - [Have/Has] [you/he/she] ever mentioned this problem to a doctor, nurse or other health professional? | |||||||||
ph604 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever limit [your/his/her] activities, for example, what [you/he/she] [do/does] or where [you/he/she] [go/goes] because of urinary incontinence? | |||||||||
Medical tests | |||||||||
ph701 - A flu vaccination? | |||||||||
ph701a - Since [your/Rname's] last interview, [have/had] [you/he/she] had a flu vaccination? | |||||||||
ph731 - Did [you/he/she] get a flu vaccination for: (different year options provided) | |||||||||
ph732 - Did [you/he/she] get a flu vaccination from: (different locations provided) | |||||||||
ph732oth - specify other | |||||||||
ph702 - A blood test for cholesterol? | |||||||||
ph702a - Since [your/Rname's] last interview, [have/has] [you/he/she] had a blood test for cholesterol? | |||||||||
ph734 - Have you had your blood pressure measured in the last twelve months? | |||||||||
PH728: Have you had a Faecal Occult Blood Test, or Colonoscopy to screen for cancer? | |||||||||
PH729: When was your most recent Faecal Occult Blood Test? | |||||||||
PH730: When was your most recent Colonoscopy? | |||||||||
ph703 - Have you gone through the menopause? | |||||||||
ph704 - Can you remember approximately what age you were when it started? | |||||||||
ph705 - Since menopause, have you used prescription hormones (examples given on card) | |||||||||
ph705a - Are you using perscription hormones? | |||||||||
ph705b - Have you used perscription hormones? | |||||||||
ph705c - Are you taking prescription hormones now? | |||||||||
ph705d - In your last interview, you said that you had already gone through or were going through the menopause. Since m | |||||||||
ph706 - For how many years have you been taking prescription hormones? | |||||||||
ph707 - For how many years did you take prescription hormones? | |||||||||
ph708 - Do you check your breasts for lumps regularly? | |||||||||
ph709 - Have you had a mammogram or x-ray of the breast, to search for cancer? | |||||||||
ph709a - Since your last interview, have you had a mammogram or x-ray of the breast, to search for cancer? | |||||||||
ph733 - When was your most recent mammogram? | |||||||||
ph725 - Approximately how old were you when you began your menstrual cycle? | |||||||||
ph710 - An examination of your prostate to screen for cancer? | |||||||||
PH710a: Since your last interview, have you had an examination of your prostate to screen for cancer? | |||||||||
ph711 - A PSA blood test to screen for cancer? | |||||||||
ph711a - Since your last interview, have you had a PSA blood test to screen for cancer? | |||||||||
PH727: When was your most recent PSA blood test? | |||||||||
ph719 - Approximately how much do you weigh? - code how answer given | |||||||||
ph721s - Weight in stones | |||||||||
ph721p - Weight in remaining pounds | |||||||||
ph720 - Weight in kilograms | |||||||||
ph722 - How tall are you? - code how answer given | |||||||||
ph724f - Height in feet | |||||||||
ph724i - Height in remaining inches | |||||||||
ph723 - Height in centimetres | |||||||||
ph726 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? | |||||||||
ph726_01 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? 1. Diabetes or high blood sugar | |||||||||
ph726_02 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - High cholesterol | |||||||||
ph726_03 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - High blood pressure or hypertension | |||||||||
ph726_04 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Heart disease (heart attack, stroke, angina) | |||||||||
ph726_05 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Obesity | |||||||||
ph726_06 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Osteoporosis (thin or brittle bones) | |||||||||
ph726_07 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Alzheimer's disease or dementia | |||||||||
ph726_08 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Breast Cancer | |||||||||
ph726_09 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Ovarian Cancer | |||||||||
ph726_10 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Prostate Cancer | |||||||||
ph726_11 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Colon Cancer | |||||||||
ph726_12 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Depression | |||||||||
ph726_13 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - Anxiety | |||||||||
ph726_95 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - OTHER (NONE of those lsited above) | |||||||||
ph726_96 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - NO family history of ANY disease | |||||||||
ph726_98 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - DK | |||||||||
ph726_99 - Do/did any of [your/his/her] primary or first-degree relatives have any of the conditions on this card? - RF | |||||||||
Time stamp - before Ph712 - 3rd Word list in PH section | |||||||||
Time stamp before ph712 in PH section | |||||||||
ph712 - A little while ago, the computer read you a list of words twice, and you repeated the ones you could remember. How many words recalled now | |||||||||
ph713 - A little while ago, I read you a list of words twice, and you repeated the ones you could remember. How many words recalled now | |||||||||
ph714 - That is the end of the memory and concentration tasks (record if prompt given) | |||||||||
ph715 - IWER: CODE WHAT RESPONDENT DID | |||||||||
ph717 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? | |||||||||
ph717_01 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Blind or poor eyesight | |||||||||
ph717_02 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Deaf or hard of hearing | |||||||||
ph717_03 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Hand tremors affecting writing ability | |||||||||
ph717_04 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - In pain | |||||||||
ph717_05 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Has an illness or physical impairment that affects ability to perform the test | |||||||||
ph717_06 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Too tired | |||||||||
ph717_07 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Other physical impairment | |||||||||
ph717_08 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Impaired concentration/memory (e.g. because taking medication) | |||||||||
ph717_09 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Has dementia | |||||||||
ph717_10 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Nervous or anxious | |||||||||
ph717_11 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - General memory problems | |||||||||
ph717_12 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Other mental impairment | |||||||||
ph717_13 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Interrupted by phone call or visitor | |||||||||
ph717_14 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Noisy environment | |||||||||
ph717_15 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Someone else in the room | |||||||||
ph717_16 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Problems with the laptop | |||||||||
ph717_17 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Other distraction | |||||||||
ph717_18 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Had difficulty understanding English | |||||||||
ph717_19 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Literacy problems | |||||||||
ph717_95 - WHAT WERE THESE FACTORS? - Other | |||||||||
PH735: In most ways my life is close to ideal | |||||||||
PH736: The conditions of my life are excellent | |||||||||
PH737: I have gotten the important things I want from life | |||||||||
PH738: If I could live my life again, I would change almost nothing | |||||||||
ph739 - [Have/Has] [you/Rname] ever had a pneumococcal vaccination (pneumonia vaccine)? | |||||||||
ph740 - Did [you/he/she] get the vaccination from: | |||||||||
ph741 - Do [you/he/she] regularly get the pneumococcal vaccination, for example approximately every five year? | |||||||||
ph742 - Did any of the following ever speak to [you/him/her] about the pneumococcal vaccination? | |||||||||
MMSE | |||||||||
ph121 - Please tell me what year it is. | |||||||||
ph126 - What season it is. | |||||||||
ph122 - What month it is. | |||||||||
ph123 - Can you tell me what day of the week it is? | |||||||||
ph124 - Can you tell me what today's date is? | |||||||||
ph127 - What is the name of this country? | |||||||||
ph128 - What is the name of this county? | |||||||||
ph129 - What is the name of this city/town? | |||||||||
ph130 - What is this building? | |||||||||
ph131 - What floor are we on? | |||||||||
ph132 - Now repeat those words back to me | |||||||||
ph133 - Now I'd like you to subtract 7 from 100, then keep subtracting 7 | |||||||||
ph134 - Now can you spell WORLD backwards? | |||||||||
ph135 -What were those three words I asked you to remember? | |||||||||
ph136 - INTRO: SHOW THE RESPONDENT A PENCIL OR PEN AND ASK 'What is this?' | |||||||||
ph137 - NO IFS, ANDS OR BUTS. Now you say that | |||||||||
ph138 - Take this paper in your right hand, fold it in half and put it on the floor | |||||||||
ph139 - Please read this and do what it says | |||||||||
ph140 - Please write a sentence | |||||||||
ph141 - Please copy this design | |||||||||
ph146 - unable to answer any of the cognitive questions (ph121 to ph141) because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146year - unable to answer ph121 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146season - unable to answer ph126 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146month - unable to answer ph122 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146day - unable to answer ph123 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146date - unable to answer ph124 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146country- unable to answer ph127 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146county- unable to answer ph128 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146city- unable to answer ph129 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146building- unable to answer ph130 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146floor- unable to answer ph131 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146threewords- unable to answer ph132because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146sevens- unable to answer ph133 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146world- unable to answer ph134 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146recallwords unable to answer ph135 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146objects- unable to answer ph136 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146phrase- unable to answer ph137 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146instruction- unable to answer ph138 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146reading- unable to answer ph139 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146sentence- unable to answer ph140 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146pentagons- unable to answer ph141 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146complist1- unable to answer ph117 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146complist2- unable to answer ph118 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146iwerlist1- unable to answer ph119 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146iwerlist2- unable to answer ph120 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146animals- unable to answer ph125 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146initials- unable to answer ph419 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146reccomplist- unable to answer ph712 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146reciwerlist- unable to answer ph713 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
ph146time- unable to answer ph715 because of severe visual impairment, physical disability, severe hearing impairment.. | |||||||||
mmsescr - MMSE SCORE | |||||||||
INTERVIEWER Record details why with you have chosen to continue with this interview despite the respondent not getting 15 or over in the MMSE test | |||||||||
MMSETOTAL | |||||||||
ph116x - First I'd like to check that you will be able to hear the computer voice | |||||||||
ph116 - list read out by.. | |||||||||
Time stamp - before word list (read by computer) | |||||||||
ph117 - Now please tell me all the words you can recall. | |||||||||
ph118 - Now please tell me all the words you can recall. | |||||||||
Time stamp - before word list (read by interviewer) | |||||||||
Time stamp before first word list recall | |||||||||
ph119 - Now please tell me all the words you can recall. | |||||||||
ph120 - Now please tell me all the words you can recall. | |||||||||
Time stamp - before naming different animals task | |||||||||
ph125 - Now I would like you to name as many different animals as you can think of. You have one minute to do this. | |||||||||
satisfaction | |||||||||
I(ADL) & FL (I(ADL) and Helpers) | |||||||||
Difficulties with Activities of Daily Life | |||||||||
fl001_01 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Walking 100 metres (100 yards) | |||||||||
fl001_02 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Running or jogging about 1.5 kilometres (1 mile) | |||||||||
fl001_03 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Sitting for about two hours | |||||||||
fl001_04 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Getting up from a chair after sitting for long periods | |||||||||
fl001_05 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Climbing several flights of stairs without resting | |||||||||
fl001_06 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Climbing one flight of stairs without resting | |||||||||
fl001_07 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Stooping, kneeling, or crouching | |||||||||
fl001_08 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Reaching or extending your arms above shoulder level | |||||||||
fl001_09 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Pulling or pushing large objects like a living room chair | |||||||||
fl001_10 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Lifting or carrying weights over 10 pounds/5 kilos | |||||||||
fl001_11 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Picking up a small coin from a table | |||||||||
fl001_13 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - None of the these | |||||||||
fl001_98 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Don't know | |||||||||
fl001_12 - Because of a physical or mental health problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Refused | |||||||||
fl002_01 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Dressing | |||||||||
fl002_1 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Dressing including putting on socks and shoes | |||||||||
fl002_02 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Walking across a room | |||||||||
fl002_03 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Bathing or showering | |||||||||
fl002_04 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Eating, such as cutting up [your/his/her] food | |||||||||
fl002_05 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Getting in or out of bed | |||||||||
fl002_06 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Using the toilet, including getting up or down | |||||||||
fl002_09 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - None of the these | |||||||||
fl002_08 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Don't know | |||||||||
fl002_07 - Because of a health or memory problem, [do/does] [you/Rname] have difficulty - Refused | |||||||||
fl002_95 Probe Any others? | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Putting on top/shirt | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Taking off top/shirt | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Putting on pants/trousers | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? -Taking off pants/trousers | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Putting on socks | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? -Taking off socks | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Putting on shoes | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Taking off shoes | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? -Manipulating fastenings | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Other (Please specify) | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - None of these | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - DK | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - RF | |||||||||
FL057 Please look at card FL3. When dressing, [Do/Does] [you/he/she] have difficulty with any of the activities on this card? - Other (Please specify) | |||||||||
fl003 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever use equipment or devices to help [you/him/her] get dressed? | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Velcro fastenings on clothes | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Shoe horn | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Pick-up-stick | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Device for putting socks | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Other | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Don’t know | |||||||||
fl004-Which equipment is that? Refused | |||||||||
fl004_oth which equipment is that? | |||||||||
fl005 - Does anyone ever help [you/him/her] with dressing including putting on shoes and socks? | |||||||||
fl006 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever use equipment or devices such as a walking stick or frame when crossing a room? | |||||||||
fl007_01 - Which equipment is that? - Walking stick | |||||||||
fl007_02 - Which equipment is that? - Walking frame | |||||||||
fl007_03 - Which equipment is that? - Crutches | |||||||||
fl007_04 - Which equipment is that? - Railing | |||||||||
fl007_05 - Which equipment is that? - Orthopaedic shoes | |||||||||
fl007_06 - Which equipment is that? - Brace (leg or back) | |||||||||
fl007_07 - Which equipment is that? - Limb prosthesis | |||||||||
fl007_08 - Which equipment is that? - Oxygen /respirator | |||||||||
fl007_09 - Which equipment is that? - Furniture or walls | |||||||||
fl007_10 - Which equipment is that? - Wheelchair or cart | |||||||||
fl007_95 -Which equipment is that? - Other | |||||||||
fl007_98 - Which equipment is that? - Don’t know | |||||||||
fl007_99 - Which equipment is that? - Refused | |||||||||
fl008 - Does anyone ever help [you/him/her] with walking across a room? | |||||||||
fl009 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever use equipment or devices such as a shower seat, grab rails, hand-held shower when bathing or sh | |||||||||
fl010_01 - Which equipment is that? - Shower seat | |||||||||
fl010_02 - Which equipment is that? - Grab rails | |||||||||
fl010_03 - Which equipment is that? - Hand held shower | |||||||||
fl010_04 - Which equipment is that? - Walking frame or stick | |||||||||
fl010_05 - Which equipment is that? - Rubber mat | |||||||||
fl010_95 - Which equipment is that? - Other | |||||||||
fl010_98 - Which equipment is that? - Don’t know | |||||||||
fl010_99 - Which equipment is that? - Refused | |||||||||
fl010_0th - what equipment is that? - Other (specify) | |||||||||
fl011 - Does anyone ever help [you/him/her] with bathing or showering? | |||||||||
fl012 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever use special utensils or special dishes when [you/he/she] [eat/eats]? | |||||||||
fl013 - Does anyone ever help [you/him/her] with eating? | |||||||||
fl014 - [Do/Does] [you/he/she] ever use equipment or devices such as a stick, frame or wheelchair when getting in or out of bed? | |||||||||
fl015_01 - Which equipment is that? - Walking stick | |||||||||
fl015_02 - Which equipment is that? - Walking frame | |||||||||
fl015_03 - Which equipment is that? - Bed rail | |||||||||
fl015_04 - Which equipment is that? - Crutches | |||||||||
fl015_05 - Which equipment is that? - Orthopaedic shoes | |||||||||
fl015_06 - Which equipment is that? - Brace (leg or back) | |||||||||
fl015_07 - Which equipment is that? - Prosthesis | |||||||||
fl015_08 - Which equipment is that? - Oxygen/respirator | |||||||||
fl015_09 - Which equipment is that? - Furniture/Walls | |||||||||
fl015_10 - Which equipment is that? - Wheelchair/cart | |||||||||
fl015_11 - Which equipment is that? - Bed lever | |||||||||
fl015_95 -Which equipment is that? - Other | |||||||||
fl015_98 - Which equipment is that? - Don’t know | |||||||||
fl015_99 - Which equipment is that? - Refused | |||||||||
fl015oth - which equipment is that? - Other(specify) |